Friday Five: Let’s get VISUAL!

Whether you’re solo or partnered this month, taking time to reflect on L o V e is a great way to bring intentionality to life and/or revitalize a partnership. 

In this week’s Friday Five, we’re offering you 5 easy exercises centered around how you visualize components of your “love life,” including your mind, body, and reality.

Keep reading for 5 ways to cleanse your body from unwanted sexual blocks.

  1. Visualization Meditation

2. Our Relationship with Our Body

In our daily journey, it is common to overlook the deep connection between our mind and our body. In this context, it is essential to understand how our relationship with our body can influence unwanted sexual blockages. Here is a series of exercises designed to unblock and harmonize your mind-body connection, allowing sexual energy to flow freely:

  • Consciously explore your body, closing your eyes and paying attention to each part, releasing tension with deep breathing.

  • Dedicate time to self-care through baths, massages, or yoga to improve your body awareness

  • In relationships, promote open communication about body needs, strengthening emotional connection. 

  • Practice acceptance and gratitude toward your body, focusing on appreciating its wisdom and beauty.

3. Journaling My Relationship with Love

Find the comfiest and safest place you’re able to, take pen to paper and write your immediate thoughts to the following prompts. Remember to give yourself compassion if anything difficult comes to mind, and stop if you find the questions too uncomfortable at this time:

4. Breath in Relationship to Pleasure and Love

Last Sunday, in our first book club meetup of 2024, we explored author Barbara Carrellas’ invitation to utilize breath in the path to sexual pleasure. Carrellas suggests breath has influence in our internal experience and perception of reality.

After giving a walkthrough on how you can change how you breathe to change how you feel, she adds, “Changing the way you breathe produces a perceptible change in consciousness. It’s a physical reality. So, changing the way you breathe changes the way you feel.”

Carrellas goes on to highlight our disconnect from our breath, pointing out how odd it would be for us to step into an elevator and a passenger to give a big exhale…but why would a big “ahhh…” seem so odd? She suggests that:

“In response to a sex-negative, body-shy culture, we have reduced our breathing to a survival level. We take in just enough air to stay alive.”

So breathe. Breathe to live and breathe more consciously to experience the most expanded version of reality (and love) possible.

Support local bookstores by getting Urban Tantra by Barbara Carrellas via and join our next two book club sessions discussing the book!

Our homework before the next meeting is to try out some of the breath exercises for use in sexual encounters as one of the many ways of inviting transformation through breath; you’re invited to chime in and discuss your findings in a safe space on our next session. ;-)

5. Visualizing and meditations not doing it for you? …LAUGH!

My Sexual Biography

My Sex Bio is dedicated to changing the way people talk about and connect with their sexual selves, through guided reflection, empowering sex education and our virtual sex-positive studio classes.


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