4 Tips on How to Have Transcendental Sex

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Have you heard of transcendental sex?

Whether it was with a partner, with your favorite hand moves or with a toy—do you remember the best orgasm you’ve ever had? How would you describe it—the way it spread through your body, how it affected you mentally and emotionally?

Some people compare transcendental sex with tantric sex, but what differentiates these experiences is the awareness we assign to energy. Tantric sex is totally aware of the energy it carries and how to handle it. It’s an intentional choice with a plan of approach. Whereas with transcendental sex, energy may come totally by surprise resulting in an unpredicted and even overwhelming experience.

What is transcendental sex?

While some people describe it as “the best sex ever”, other people even claim to have transcended during sex. Some also say they’ve had visions, out-of-body experiences or feelings of being transported to a different place.

Sexologist specializing in psychosexual somatic therapy, Madalaine Munro says that transcendental sex refers to a changed state of consciousness achieved through sexual activity, often by surprise.

How to have Transcendental Sex?

There may not be a step-by-step procedure, but there are habits that, when done with regularity, will help you reach this “state” and have a deeper connection with yourself.

  1. Physical Self-Awareness

This means connecting to consciousness within yourself. If it sounds a little esoteric, it’s because it is! But for those who’ve enjoyed this fully embodied encounter, it’s worth the effort. Start by trying out different breathwork techniques, yoga or meditation—a body scan meditation can be an easy first step when learning to connect mind to body in an accessible, guided format. Find one that fits you and include it in your daily routine. Here’s a simple 10 minute body scan meditation to try:

2. Stay focused during sex

In order to transcend, to lose a sense of who and where you are physically and change your state of consciousness, you need to be present. If your mind starts to wander, try to return to your body and senses. Attention to breath helps.

3. Take a pause on alcohol

This can impact how your body feels and your ability to focus. Even if it may help you let go of inhibitions, a fully embodied experience requires some level of clarity to keep your intentions attuned.

4. Set up a space with intention.

This doesn’t mean making structural changes at home. This space should be somewhere you feel comfortable, where you can connect with your partner. It’s more about what you and your partner do than the space itself. You can spend time before starting any sexual activity to gaze at each other, share your intentions and breathe together.

“I was filled with the most exquisite rapture and bliss I had ever experienced.”

Conscious Connection Magazine

My Sexual Biography

My Sex Bio is dedicated to changing the way people talk about and connect with their sexual selves, through guided reflection, empowering sex education and our virtual sex-positive studio classes.


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